Friday, November 7, 2008

"Time to Come Together"

Our country is facing many challenges. For many, including myself, there is much concern over the recent election of Barack Obama. What direction will he take our nation? What condition will he leave our country when his term in office ends?

We must unite as Americans to address these challenges. We cannot afford to be remorseful, but rather we need to be keen and share our voice with others. Perhaps this is an opportunity to open the American eyes to how socialist policies are not the path to U.S. global economic leadership but a path to global economic complacency. This could be what the United States needs to quell the desire for far left policies and restore an America based on its founding principles.

There are some things we can do. First and foremost, we can pray for our nation. As our country is moving in a direction to further separate our religious convictions from national policy, we can pray that our nation's true values will survive the far left's governance.

We don't often think of it, but a branded memory from my childhood education was saying the "Pledge of Allegiance" every morning. That is only one generation away from being forgotten! Not that saying the "Pledge" will save our country, but if reciting the "Pledge" is wrong as it has been deemed, what subtle changes can we expect in the future?

Second, we must listen to understand! I can even admit at face value that liberal policies seem attractive. Giving money to those who need it most, providing free health care to everyone, and giving everyone a college education are good things! They are... at face value! But we must communicate the consequences. Many of there arguments end here... at these face value statements. Look at many press articles and liberal activist statements that support these policies. Notice they don't include solutions and most do not understand the economic implications.

We can listen. We can understand. And we can explain the economic consequences of these actions.

In "An Age of Turbulence,"Alan Greenspan spoke on capatalist economics in Moscow to an audience of socialist economists in the early 1990's. He was surprised by their conceptual understanding of capitalism that was evinced in the follow-up question-and-answer session. Later, he engaged one of these economists on his knowledge of capitalism. The economist replied that economics is a science of numbers, formulas, and solutions. There is truth and freedom in numbers. He was implying the political freedom of economics.

Last, become active in communicating these values. We have many opportunities for this type of discussion. Let's take advantage of them. There were once times in this country that these were the only issues at the table. Now, it seems they have been taken completely off the table.

I will begin blogging about what will happen to our country in many respects under a socialist regime. Topics on the table include education, health care, taxes, along with many others. Perhaps these can serve as some tools based on facts to communicate your positions. As always, I would appreciate your continuous feedback.

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